Biblical & Theological Studies is designed to introduce you to vital contemporary issues of faith and reason and to equip you to serve Christ and His kingdom.

This major allows you to tailor your study to meet specific vocational and educational goals. The program prepares you for professional excellence and provides an academic foundation as you fulfill your calling in ministry.

Why Biblical & Theological Studies at Tabor?

  • Find how God has called, gifted, and designed you, and find your place in God’s story.
  • Discover diverse programming that will open the door to a career in ministry, including pastoral/youth ministry, church-planting, contemporary worship leading, humanitarian aid or social services.
  • Dive deeper with faculty in mentoring relationships and building a strong foundation in studies and personal faith.
  • Become equipped in head, heart, and hands for a wide variety of ministries.

Next Steps

Alumni Spotlight

Matthew Molden (g’17)

Middle School & Young Adults Director, New Life Church (Aurora, Colo.)

Matthew Molden

“One of the things I appreciate most about my time in the Bible department is the relationship I had with professors. They had been in vocational ministry and were able to help me through the process of discerning my calling in ministry. They helped me see what it looked like to work in ministry and shape my own ideas and vision for my future. Professors taught me how to study Scripture, giving their thoughts on a topic while teaching me how to think through it, study, and research it for myself. I still go back to some of my class notes for reference in my career and personal life. Professors’ time investment, resources, and teachings continue to be beneficial in my career.

Career Opportunities

  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Youth Ministry
  • Church planting
  • Missionary
  • Contemporary Worship Leader
  • Parachurch Ministry
  • Social Services
  • Humanitarian Aid Worker
  • Seminary/Graduate Programs
  • Regardless of major, add Adaptive Ministry Leadership to minister in the workplace.


  • Biblical and Theological Studies
  • Adaptive Ministry Leadership


  • Bible
    • Global Engagement (concentration)
Course Lists

Program Highlights

  • Strong courses and faculty in Bible, ministry, ethics, history, philosophy, and religion.
  • Practical training in inductive Bible study for all majors, building a thoughtful and informed faith.
  • Annual mission and educational trips across the globe, such as Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, the Middle East, or across the United States.
  • You can be mentored in your chosen field through internships and service opportunities.

Biblical & Theological Studies Faculty

Dave Faber portrait

David Faber, Ph.D.

Professor of Philosophy & Religious Studies / Faculty Board Representative
Craig Jost portrait

Craig Jost, M.Div.

Director, Carson Center for Global Engagement / Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies
Wendell Loewen

Wendell Loewen, D.Min.

Special Assistant to the President for Constituent Engagement / Professor of Youth, Church, and Culture