The Board of Directors is charged by the owners of Tabor College – the churches of the Central, Southern, Latin American, and Eastern district conferences of the U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches – to assure that the mission of the college is being fulfilled, to establish policies which will guide the faculty and staff in providing programs and services, to appoint a chief executive (president) to implement their policies and manage programs, and to monitor the effectiveness of all programs and services. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Board of Directors meets at least three times per year. They work in committees to monitor the affairs of the college, receive reports from the president regarding the operations of the college and evaluate the performance of the president. These meetings ensure that the mission of Tabor College is being fulfilled and the policies are being properly administered.

Susan Franz Koslowsky (g’84)

Noelle Jost (g’88)
Vice Chair

Ted Faszer

Jeral Gross

Roger Ediger (g’77)

Craig Ratzlaff, D.D.S (g’87)

Orson Thomas (g’09)

David Faber, Ph.D.
Faculty Representative

Pryce Holloway
Student Representative

Eric Driggers (g’01)

Norris Friesen, Ph.D. (g’72)

Aaron Garza (g’14)

Vonda Graf (g’91)

Melissa Gutierrez

Brian Harris

Andrew Jost (g’05)

Nate Loewen, M.D. (g’80)

Sylvia Penner (g’99)

Craig Quiring (g’96)

Pat Redding (g’87)

Daniel Rodriguez

Elaine Setzer-Maxwell

Jerome Wichert (g’85)

Denise Wiens (g’83)
Board Emeritus:
- Loren Balzer
- Darrell Driggers
- Richard Gramza
- Loretta Jost
- Dr. David Karber
- Dr. Vernon Kliewer
- Brent Kroeker
- Bryan Kroeker
- Elaine Kroeker
- Joyce Loewen
- Dr. William Loewen
- Rolando Mireles
- Dennis Penner
- Diana Raugust
- Nick Rempel
- Tim Sullivan
- Virgil Thiessen
- Richard Unruh
- Lyndon Vix
- David Wiebe
Board Emeritus (In Remembrance):
- Peter A. Enns
- Harold Franz
- Monroe Funk
- Menno S. Gaede
- Wilmer Harms
- AW Janzen
- LeRoy Jost
- Perry Klaassen
- Paul H. Penner
- Marvin Reimer
- Raymond Schlichting