Spring Break Reflection and Hopes for Week 9

I didn’t realize it before spring break began, but I really needed that week at home. With barely any obligations and my mom’s home cooking to enjoy, I felt rejuvenated by the time Sunday rolled around. However, that time spent at home with family made me miss living there with them. It was difficult to leave, and I felt myself wishing that I could have stayed longer. My mom even said that it felt more difficult for me to leave than it did leaving me at college for the first time.

Coming back to campus was almost like entering a new place, except everything was still the same. Yes, it sounds strange since I’ve been living in the same place for about eight months, but something felt new about returning after only a week. I can’t put my finger on it, and that’s frustrating! I’m sure I’ll get back into the groove of classes and other obligations, but it may take me a little bit of time.

Wednesday, our band program is hosting a Band Pre-Festival Clinic, bringing around 350 high school students to the campus. It’s very exciting! Keeping the event running smoothly requires all of the band members to help throughout the day, so I’ll definitely keep busy. We are all hoping that this event on our campus will attract future Bluejays!

I’m not drowning under homework quite yet. I have some papers to write and a test coming up, but the load is nothing that I can’t handle! Thankfully, this week holds yet another break for Tabor! We don’t have classes on Good Friday, which means that I can spend time with my friends off campus. We are planning to go to the YMCA in Newton to swim and enjoy our day off. I’m looking forward to it!

As I transition back to school-related things, I’m trying to start with a fresh mind. I don’t enjoy being stressed out, so I must be on top of every assignment to avoid procrastination: one of my biggest enemies. I’m determined to make this last leg of the year be a great one!


Stay Taboriffic!