Eleven months after breaking ground for the new Shari Flaming Welcome Center at Tabor College, Chamber of Commerce members, city and county officials, architects, contractors, faculty, staff and community members gathered Aug. 3 for its ribbon cutting.
“For some time now, we have longed for a new welcome center to make our prospective students and campus guests feel welcomed,” President Jules Glanzer told the crowd. “And we desired to create a campus entrance that would provide a positive first impression for our guests and help us create a strong culture of hospitality.”
Interest in the project surfaced about five years ago after Chuck Flaming, a farmer from Nebraska, visited the campus.
“Jules, your welcome center doesn’t look good,” he said. “You need a new one.”
So Glanzer encouraged Flaming to give the project some thought. A few months later, he responded with a proposal.
“My wife was known for hospitality and was a gracious hostess,” Flaming told Glanzer. “People felt welcomed by her. I’d like to give you a welcome center in her honor.”
The two-story, 8,400-square foot building is located on the former circle drive between the college library and student center. The welcome center will serve as a gateway to the campus and a first stop for campus guests. The first floor is dedicated to admissions and the second floor brings together offices of advancement and the president for synergistic relationships.
“This welcome center is a gift of love, representing a husband’s love for his wife rather than man’s love, and a couple’s love for the mission and vision of Tabor,” Glanzer told those gathered. “We’re so thankful to Chuck and Shari for making this gift to us.”
Glanzer added that impacting more students will help Tabor better fulfill its mission to prepare people for a life of learning and service for Christ and his kingdom.