A primary focus of the photo services team of the Communication Office is to provide professional images to help promote Tabor College. Our services include photographing major college events and celebrations, various student activities such as concerts, plays, and athletic events, marketing and promotional content, campus news, and the campus environment.
Weekends & Off-Hour Coverage
We do offer weekend and after-hour event coverage, however, all requests must be made at least 10 business days in advance to the campus photographer at michaelwklaassen@tabor.edu. Last-minute requests are subject to availability.
Making a Request
A complete request must include:
- Name of person requesting
- Name of the event to be photographed
- Date, time, duration and location of the event
- Specific photos requested of the event may include a schedule of the event, people to photograph, etc. Include the details about what is happening, key people involved and specific moments/people the photographer should be looking to photograph. We are happy to meet ahead of time to talk and walk through the event if necessary.
- Use of photos; ie. to be distributed publicly, for internal use, for news releases, etc. If a timeline is applicable for when you need photos, please make that known.
If you have any questions, please contact Campus Photographer, Mike Klaassen at michaelwklaassen@tabor.edu or (620) 947-3121 ext. 1226