“Mark Twain’s The Diaries of Adam and Eve” is a uniquely American theatre piece, crafted from stories Twain wrote for Harper’s Bazaar magazine in 1905 after the death of his beloved wife, Olivia Langdon Clemens. The first love story, told through the eyes of the insatiably curious Eve and the ever-practical Adam, brims with sparkling wit and Twain’s signature humor as they attempt to make sense of one another in a bright new world.
Tabor College Theatre is proud to be partnering with Caring Hands Humane Society in Newton, Kansas for this production. The animal kingdom is a vibrant and essential part of Adam and Eve’s Garden of Eden in this production. Through Tabor College’s 2019/2020 Societal Challenge Initiative of Food Scarcity and Awareness, Tabor College Theatre is hosting a Puppy and Kitten Food Drive for the animals at Caring Hands. Audience members are invited to bring one bag of either Purina ONE SmartBlend Healthy Formula Dog Food or Purina Kitten Chow to the performance in exchange for a free ticket to the final show of the Theatre season, William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night.” Ticket vouchers are redeemable for any performance date. (Maximum three per household.) Additionally, we are delighted to share that our furry friend featured in this evening’s performance is available for adoption through Caring Hands. For more information on Caring Hands, please visit: caringhandshs.org.