Responsibilities Replace Activities: Week 13

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly responsibilities and assignments stack up. Last week, I had an activity every day relating to a different one of my many campus commitments, disrupting the rhythm of my normal life. From having a PLP excursion at a ropes course to serving tables at the Junior/Senior banquet, last week was fun but exhausting. I’m glad that my workload was light to compensate for the array of activities. However, the lack of homework always catches up to me at some point, and this week is that point.

This past Sunday was a busy day. Since no one usually has plans, many Tabor organizations decide to schedule meetings throughout the afternoon and evening. I ended up having three organizational meetings, an interview and a band concert in the span of eight hours. Talk about a crazy day! My Sundays aren’t always like this, but once in a while everything happens to fall on the same day. My weekly day of rest tends to be a Saturday to balance the craziness. One thing is certain: my Tabor life isn’t boring!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: It seems that professors conspire to give large assignments around the same time. This week will hold quite a few meetings to interview people for several assignments due the following week. As much as I enjoy asking people questions and getting to know their stories, keeping four different interviews straight will be a challenge.

Monday was the start of Student Appreciation week in the cafeteria, which entailed lots of food, prizes and even a pie-eating contest. The food was the best that it’s been in a while! The cafeteria was packed with students having a blast. I loved seeing everyone come together to eat and take their minds off of homework. The fun continues at Tuesday and Thursday’s chapels which will include giving away prizes to students. I think that it says something about the college that its faculty and staff would put forth so much effort to thank its students for their commitment. I’m excited to see what else the week will hold!


Stay Taboriffic!