Those unable to attend Saturday’s Commencement are encouraged to watch it on our LIVE STREAM ONLINE!
Due to the upcoming inclement weather forecast, the 105th Tabor College commencement scheduled for 10 a.m., Saturday May 23 will be held in the Tabor College Gymnasium on D Street in Hillsboro.
President Jules Glanzer made the announcement Wednesday.
“After checking various weather apps and given the weather pattern that we are in this year, we will have to move both the President’s Party and Commencement indoors,” Glanzer said. “I am making this decision early in the week so that the proper planning and adjustments can begin to be made rather than at the last minute.”
Prior to Commencement, a band concert is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Family members and friends of the graduates are encouraged to arrive early. Doors open at 8 a.m. For a map of campus, visit