Water pipes break in four Tabor residence halls

Tabor Residence Hall damage

Due to sub-zero temperatures over Christmas weekend, multiple water lines burst in Tabor College dormitories, causing widespread damage in the Men’s Quad, including California, Oklahoma, and Nebraska Hall. These older halls in the Men’s Quad are heated with a boiler system where the copper pipes are thin, making them susceptible to freezing in low temperatures. Multiple rooms will require the replacement of sheetrock, doors, furniture, and carpet. Minimal damage also occurred in the newer Townhouse I when a fire sprinkler in the attic froze. Despite the structural damage, the impact on student belongings is isolated to only a few rooms. 

Students in affected dormitories will be relocated to empty rooms in Nebraska Hall.

“I am so proud of Terry Ens and the Facilities Team, and Dr. Frank Johnson and Student Life, who are working tirelessly to prepare rooms for students when they return in January,” President David Janzen said. “We are very thankful that a new residence hall is under construction, and we look forward to having newer facilities available for our students as soon as Summer 2023.”

Tabor College residence hall damage

Tabor’s new 86-bed residence hall will be available for students for the 2023-24 academic year. Long-term plans include at least two additional residence halls and decommissioning residence halls in the Men’s Quad.

Donations to help with cleanup and repairs can be made to the Tabor Fund, and gifts for completing the new residence hall can be made at tabor.edu/give.