
Tutoring is going online! We have group and one-on-one tutoring sessions available. If you are a student who could benefit from tutoring, you can email Student Success at studentsuccess@tabor.edu.

Group Counseling

We are setting up virtual group therapy! If you are feeling some anxiety with all that is going on, please email Aimee Hennigh at aimeehennigh@tabor.edu, to sign up! This is a positive way for you to work through your feelings and get the tools you need to deal with the anxiety that can come with uncertain times.

Academic Mentoring

If you feel you need support through transitioning to an online environment, reach out to Student Success at studentsuccess@tabor.edu. We will set up academic mentoring meetings with you via Zoom to assist you with the transition. All previously scheduled academic mentoring meetings will continue as normal.  

Disability Student Services

If you currently receive Disability Student Services, you will continue to receive these services. Please contact Aimee Hennigh at aimeehennigh@tabor.edu with questions. Professors have been informed of these changes.

Career Services

Career Services is still offering all services! Team Week will still occur with students who are able to meet with Sydney Fountain via Zoom, Google Meet, a phone call, or email. Additionally, all planned graduates will be receiving an email offering help with resumes, cover letters, and any other personal marketing materials. The good news is that all feedback can be done online! It is important for planned graduates to continue working on their personal marketing materials so that they are adequately prepared for when they start applying for jobs. If you would like help with career preparation or graduate school assistance, contact Sydney Fountain at sydneyfountain@tabor.edu

Job Market in the Midst of COVID 19

Virtual Learning Skills

Tips on transitioning to Virtual Learning Test Taking Tips

Technology Support